The Agile Brand™ with Greg Kihlström

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S6 | 533: Real-World Application of AI in Marketing and CX with Kathryn Murphy, Twilio

As businesses increasingly integrate AI into their marketing and customer experience strategies, understanding the real-world applications and implications becomes essential.

Joining us today to share insights on these topics is Kathryn Murphy, SVP Product Communications at Twilio, who recently released their State of Customer Engagement Report with a lot of information reinforcing the need for businesses to have a strong foundation of data to drive ROI from their AI investments.

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S6 | 532: Staying ahead in e-commerce, with Laura Ritchey, CEO, Radial

As the retail landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace, staying ahead of the curve requires keen insights into technological advancements and emerging trends. Today, we're fortunate to have Laura Ritchey, CEO of Radial, to share her valuable perspectives on what retailers are changing in 2024 to remain competitive, from AI and omnichannel trends to the latest in e-commerce fulfillment.

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S6 | 531: Customer engagement and loyalty in travel with Jeff Zotara, arrivia

Today, we’re diving into some crucial aspects of customer engagement and loyalty programs in the travel industry. We'll explore how leading brands are bridging consumer preferences with their brand offerings, enhancing customer lifetime value in today's market, and effectively communicating the value of their loyalty programs to customers.

To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Jeff Zotara, Chief Marketing Officer at arrivia.

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S6 | 530: Creating valuable CX using Gen AI with Eli Finkelshteyn, Constructor

In an era where customer expectations are continually evolving, the intelligent use of technology and data can significantly enhance the user experience. Today, we're joined by Eli Finkelshteyn, CEO of Constructor, who will share insights on creating value-driven customer experiences with generative AI, harnessing data effectively, and why mere relevance isn’t enough in product search.

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S6 | 529: Better software testing for improved CX with Stephen Feloney, Perforce

Today we’re going to talk about the impact of software testing on the customer experience, and how rising customer expectations mean that brands need to up their testing game, using more agile methods, and AI-based solutions.

To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Stephen Feloney, VP of Products - Continuous Testing at Perforce.

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S6 | 528: The role of design in shaping the customer experience with Kaaren Hanson, Chief Design Officer at Chase

We are living in an era where customer experience is paramount, and the role of design in shaping that experience cannot be overstated. Joining us today to explore this concept as well as how an organization operationalizes a seamless end-to-end customer experience, is Kaaren Hanson, Chief Design Officer at Chase.

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S6 | 527: Optimizing data operations for AI in marketing, with Eric Madariaga, CData

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a pivotal tool for organizations seeking to enhance their marketing strategies and operational efficiency. Yet, adopting AI effectively presents a set of challenges and opportunities. Today, we're exploring how organizations can optimally set up their data operations for AI, the implications of the maturity gap in AI adoption, and envisioning the future that involves a collaboration of sorts between AI and the human touch in sales and marketing.

To navigate these topics, I’d like to welcome Eric Madariaga, Co-Founder of CData.

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S6 | 526: Building extraordinary teams with Martin Gonzalez, Google

We talk a lot on this show about how it takes people, process, data, and platforms working well together to make a successful company.

Today we’re going to talk about the critical principles needed to effectively build an extraordinary team to help achieve your goals, whether you are an enterprise organization or a startup.

To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Martin Gonzalez, Principle: org, talent, leadership development for AI research, Tech & Society, Core Engineering at Google and Co-author of The Bonfire Moment.

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S6 | 525: Operationalizing AI in the Enterprise with Peter Roschke, Coherent

When the battle for consumer attention is fierce and ever-changing, understanding how to effectively capture and leverage this attention is crucial. Today, we're joined by Gary Vaynerchuk, serial entrepreneur, Chairman of VaynerX, CEO of VaynerMedia, and author of the new book— his seventh—called “Day Trading Attention” and we’re going to talk about the evolution of attention in marketing, the power of storytelling, and the future of digital advertising.

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S6 | 524: Gary Vaynerchuk on capturing and leveraging consumer attention

AI is, of course, at the top of every business leader's mind as questions come up about how it will inevitably fit into their tech stack. The issue here is that bringing in disruptive tech like AI where the details aren't 100% ironed out introduces a whole lot of risk when dealing with highly sensitive financial data, health records, etc.

Today we’re going to talk about operationalizing AI in industries where highly sensitive customer data is involved, and how to be successful while balancing those privacy and security requirements.

To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Peter Roschke, CTO at Coherent.

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S6 | 523: The Dojo model and its transformative effect with TEKsystems, Part 2

In the evolving landscape of today’s professional world, the pressing need for continuous skill development has never been more apparent. In this series we’ll dive into how the Dojo model transforms an organization’s learning culture.

I’m excited to introduce part 2 of a special series on continuous skill development, brought to you by TEKsystems, a global provider of business and technology solutions.

To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Prakamya Choudhary, from TEKsystems.

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S6 | 522: The Dojo model and its transformative effect with TEKsystems, Part 1

In the evolving landscape of today’s professional world, the pressing need for continuous skill development has never been more apparent. In this series we’ll dive into how the Dojo model transforms an organization’s learning culture.

I’m excited to introduce part 1 of a special series on continuous skill development, brought to you by TEKsystems, a global provider of business and technology solutions.

To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Danny Lopez from TEKsystems.

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S6 | 521: Predictive Real-Time Marketing ROI with Guan Wang, Snowflake

Today we’re going to talk about predictive, real-time marketing ROI - what it is, how to get there, what’s blocking many brands from achieving it, and what it looks like to start realizing this North Star goal.

To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Guan Wang, Sr. Director, Global Marketing Intelligence at Snowflake.

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S6 | 520: Alignment of goals and incentives in the enterprise with Michael Vanderhoof, Charles Schwab

In the fast-paced business environment we all know too well, setting the right goals and aligning incentives across an organization can be the key to driving successful outcomes, whether during a major transformation or through continuous iterative improvements.

Joining us to explore this topic is Michael Vanderhoof, Director of Product Management at Charles Schwab.

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S6 | 519: The innovation gap, with Tanvir Khan, Chief Digital Officer, NTT Data

There is a gap between organization’s aspirations to innovate and what they are actually achieving. Recent research from global consulting firm NTT Data uncovered that while 96% of execs believe innovation is a primary source of achieving growth over the next two years, only 21% are able to definitively meet their innovation goals.

Today we’re going to talk about narrowing this innovation gap and what organizations can do to meet more of their innovation goals. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Tanvir Khan, Chief Digital Officer and President at NTT Data.

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S6 | 518: Gen AI Governance in the Enterprise with Alon Yamin, Copyleaks

Generative AI has made it abundantly easy to create all types of content, but what about the integrity of our content - whether that’s inaccuracies, plagiarism, or even detecting if something is AI-generated in the first place?

Today we’re going to talk about content governance in a world where AI-generated copy is everywhere, making management, monitoring, and analysis an imperative in the enterprise.

To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Alon Yamin, CEO and Co-founder at Copyleaks.

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S6 | 517: Fostering a culture of continuous improvement with Mana Ionescu, AXOS Bank

Understanding and leveraging data, as well as fostering a culture of continuous improvement, are paramount for success in marketing today.

Today, we're diving into these concepts with Mana Ionescu, FVP Digital Marketing at AXOS Bank, who brings a wealth of experience in demystifying marketing concepts and debunking myths.

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S6 | 516: Customer and data centricity with Lamees Butt, Zoovu

Today we’re going to talk about using customer-centric approaches combined with data-centric tools and processes to improve customer engagement and foster lasting customer satisfaction.

To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Lamees Butt, SVP Global Alliances and Channels at Zoovu, an AI Content Discovery platform for enterprise businesses.

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S6 | 515: Predictive analytics and a first-party data strategy with Alan Gilleo, Leap Group

Anyone listening to this show has heard us talk quite a bit about AI’s impact on marketing and the customer experience. We’ve covered a pretty broad cross section of approaches, but as you’ve likely heard on this show and in many of the other places you get information, it seems like generative AI is getting a lot of the attention these days.

While our discussion will likely touch on Gen AI, today we’re going to focus more on predictive analytics and predictive modeling, another area of AI that is just as powerful (if not moreso in some cases) as the other types of artificial intelligence tools available. And specifically, we’re going to talk about using predictive analytics to better succeed in a first-party data world.

To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Alan Gilleo, CMO at Leap Group.

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S6 | 514: Nimble customer research with Todd Horvitz, Head of Insights, HP

Today we’re going to talk about customer research, and how to do customer research in a nimble, agile way and still be incredibly effective, as well as how the practice of customer research is evolving in the age of AI.

To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Todd Horvitz, Head of Insights, Business Computing and Software.

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