The Agile Brand with
Greg Kihlström® Blog
Perspectives on Marketing Technology, AI Adoption, CX, and Digital Transformation
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Assessing the Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Your Organization, Part 3
After assessing how well AI is currently being utilized and understood within your organization, it’s time to start assessing the results that you are achieving.
Assessing the Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Your Organization, Part 2
The first thing to do is to look at how well your organization both understands and uses its data science teams and their work in utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning in business applications. We will divide this into three aspects, each of which will be explored below.
Assessing the Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Your Organization, Part 1
It is critical that you are able to assess the effectiveness of this technology within your organization. Let’s explore several ways that you can assess the effectiveness of artificial intelligence and other data science efforts by asking a few questions.
Forbes: When A Great Customer Experience Requires Digital Transformation To Succeed
In this article, we are going to explore when and why you may need to invest in digital transformation in order to optimize your brand’s customer experience. Let’s explore three areas where digital transformation can have a big impact on your CX.
What is StrategyOps?
Strong execution of a bold strategy is critical to business success. Just as critical is the processes, platforms, and people involved in connecting those two important pieces together. StrategyOps is my proposed solution to this key challenge.
Improving customer experience through agile digital transformation, part 5
Let’s look at three important things to consider as you begin your digital transformation initiative.
Improving customer experience through agile digital transformation, part 4
Using agile processes and methodologies within your digital transformation initiative will help it achieve sustained success.
Improving customer experience through agile digital transformation, part 3
Let’s take a look at the primary reasons why digital transformation initiatives fail to reach their goals, and some ways to mitigate them.
Improving customer experience through agile digital transformation, part 2
Now that we have a better understanding of what digital transformation is, and the different components that make it up, let’s talk about its importance to organizations. We’re going to look at four categories of benefits.
Improving customer experience through agile digital transformation, part 1
In this 5-part series, I’m going to discuss the importance of digital transformation, how to ensure you achieve your organizational goals, and the best ways to plan for success. You can read more about some of these topics and more in my books, The Center of Experience and Digital Delight, available in print and digital versions.
Forbes: Why NPS Should Not Be Your Only Customer Experience Metric
It can be challenging to meaningfully measure customer experience (CX) in any organization. Several metrics have been touted as good ways to see the effects of CX and its impact on customer satisfaction, loyalty and recommendations.
How Recruiters Can Find Better Candidates More Efficiently
The hiring market has always been evolving, but it seems that as of late the changes have become more radical. What does this mean for recruiters? For one, it means a massive shift in the ratio of supply and demand. First, a dearth of talent on the market, then a flooding of qualified candidates filling job boards and applications. In other words, first, there aren’t enough resumes to review, and then there are too many, without a good way to easily differentiate.
The agile workforce, Part 3: Creating a successful agile workforce
In this final part of this series on the agile workforce, I’m going to talk about how to implement and be successful with a hybrid team so that your organization can truly embrace the future of work. Many of you are already working with hybrid teams, though in some cases organizations can benefit by being more intentional about how, where, and why they deploy different types of teams.
Forbes: Focusing on the Most Meaningful Metrics
I believe measurement to be critical to understanding and growth in any endeavor, whether business or personal. I have seen this in my customer and employee experience strategy and design work with enterprise organizations. There are, however, important things to consider in how you place an emphasis on metrics, and one of these is Goodhart’s Law.
The agile workforce, Part 2: How organizations can be successful in the future of work
In this part of the series, I’m going to talk about how organizations themselves can best prepare, adapt, and improve in the era of the agile workforce. Understanding how to do this is mission-critical as the world of work continues to evolve and adapt to both immediate conditions and longer-term trends. While we’ve seen a recent massive shift towards remote work, some of this may return to pre-pandemic levels, while others will remain. Agile organizations will be able to measure and adapt to their unique workers, industries, and organizational objectives.
The agile workforce, Part 1: How companies can thrive in the future of work
In this 3-part series, I’m going to discuss what we mean by the agile workforce, and how organizations can succeed in a world of work that incorporates hybrid teams, increased automation, and a growing independent workforce. These concepts are taken from my book, The Agile Workforce, available in print and digital versions.
Return on customer experience: how to meaningfully measure and improve CX, Part 3
In this 3-part series, I’m going to discuss what we mean by return on experience, the link between customer and employee experience, and how to operationalize great experience in a way that is repeatable and adaptive to change. In this final part of the series, I’m going to discuss how to get started with measuring and operationalizing return on experience.
Return on customer experience: how to meaningfully measure and improve CX, Part 2
In this 3-part series, I’m going to discuss what we mean by return on experience, the link between customer and employee experience, and how to operationalize great experience in a way that is repeatable and adaptive to change. In this second part of the series, I’m going to discuss how customer and employee experience are related, as well as how to measure return on experience.
Return on customer experience: how to meaningfully measure and improve CX, Part 1
In this 3-part series, I’m going to discuss what we mean by return on experience, the link between customer and employee experience, and how to operationalize great experience in a way that is repeatable and adaptive to change. These concepts are taken from my book, The Center of Experience, available in print and digital versions.
Embracing agile creativity, Part 3: how to use process to be more successful with creative projects
You can’t have a truly successful design without the full team involved, as well as stakeholders, knowing and understanding the problem, and being able to contribute in an appropriate way towards its solution. Thus, there are several components to a creative-friendly process, and I’ll briefly explore this in five parts.