The Agile Brand™ with Greg Kihlström

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S5 | 453: AI for Localization and Personalization with Stephanie Shreve, PowerChord

Today we’re going to talk about Localization, Personalization, and AI, and how using these methods and tools well can increase ROI and improve the multi-channel customer experience. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Stephanie Shreve, Chief Marketing Officer at PowerChord.

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S5 | 452: Enhancing E-commerce with AI with Sean Mullaney, Algolia

Today we’re going to talk about enhancing E-commerce with AI by improving personalization, relevance, and the overall customer experience. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Sean Mullaney, a former Stripe and Google Executive, who is now Chief Technology Officer at Algolia, which you may or may not know is actually the second largest search engine behind Google, powering more than 1.75 trillion consumer search requests each year.

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S5 | 451: The Post Cookie World and CX with Carl White, Nano Interactive

Nano Interactive’s recent data showed that 70% of UK consumers now regularly hide their personal data when online, and as the Government pushes through both its Data Protection and Digital Information Bill and its Online Safety Bill, marketers need to be prepared for the post cookie apocalypse or they risk being left behind and their ad effectiveness will suffer. Today we’re going to talk about the post cookie world and what this means for advertisers and marketers, and how it stands to affect the customer experience. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Carl White, Co-Founder and Group CEO at Nano Interactive.

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S5 | 450: Black Friday Special: Real-time Data & AI for In-store Retail Operations, with Joe Shasteen, RetailNext

We are presenting our 2nd annual Black Friday special episode, where we focus on an aspect of retail, looking back on the current year, as well as to what retailers should be keeping in mind for next year. With the prevalence of online shopping and growing ecommerce providers, brick-and-mortar retailers require business intelligence tools dedicated to in-store analytics to stay competitive in an omnichannel world. Today we’re going to talk about real-time data and AI for in-store retail operations. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Joe Shasteen, Global Manager, Advanced Analytics at RetailNext.

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S5 | 449: Making better proposals with Joe Ardeeser, Smart Pricing Table

Today we’re going to talk about proposals - love them or hate them, they are a requirement for so many companies, consultancies, and consultants to get new customers and new projects. Today we’re going to talk about some ways to do proposals better and smarter. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Joe Ardeeser, Founder & CEO at Smart Pricing Table.

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S5 | 448: Creating a strikingly different brand with Dharma Pachner, Contrast & Co.

I’m excited to bring you the latest in a multi-part series sponsored by Contrast & Co., an award-winning brand strategy and communications agency determined to build the most strikingly different brand experiences anywhere. Today we’re going to talk about creating a strikingly different brand, why it is so important, as well as the cost of inauthenticity in branding. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Dharma Pachner, Founder & Chief Creative Officer at Contrast & Co.

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S5 | 447: Innovation in content marketing with Deane Barker, Optimizely

I am here at Opticon 2023, Optimizely’s annual conference, here in San Diego, California where there have been a lot of exciting announcements, and we’re going to get to at least a few of those today. Innovation and creativity don't happen in a vacuum. Humans work better in groups, and the right platform provides a base for their collective imagination to flourish. Today we’re going to talk about content creation and management as tools to boost creativity and effectiveness of marketing efforts, all to the benefit of the customer. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Deane Barker, Global Director of Content Management at Optimizely.

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S5 | 446: Planning marketing headcount budgets for 2024 with Sue Keith, Ceres Talent

In this special episode, brought to you by Ceres Talent, a marketing staffing agency run by modern-day marketing matchmakers, we’re going to talk about planning for 2024, and what the experts are seeing as marketing leaders are identifying hiring needs and developing headcount budgets for 2024. To help me discuss these topics, I’d like to welcome Sue Keith, Corporate Vice President at Ceres Talent.

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S5 | 444: Personalizing the Customer Loyalty Experience with Andy Hermo, iSeatz

According to a recent report titled “The Tipping Point for Travel Loyalty in 2023” from iSeatz, while 61% of consumers believe that the loyalty programs they belong to are helping them to save money and get more value from their travel experience, only 51% of them visit their loyalty program website first when making travel booking decisions. What’s worse - 63% of loyalty providers thing they are their members’ first choice. So there are some disconnects between what customers want and are experiencing, and what loyalty programs are providing. Today we’re going to talk about the state of customer loyalty programs and the role of personalization in improving customer retention and lifetime value. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Andy Hermo, Chief Commercial Officer at iSeatz.

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S5 | 443: Building a HIPAA-compliant martech stack with Ray Mina, Freshpaint

In December of 2022, digital marketers in the healthcare industry were impacted by an expanded definition of PHI or personal health information in the HIPAA, or the health insurance portability and accountability act regulations, which are the the federal law in the United States that protects sensitive patient health incormation from being disclosed. While this impacts healthcare companies in the US most specifically, and our conversation today is going to center around healthcare marketers, there are lessons to be learned here for marketers in any industry or locale where consumer data privacy is under increased scrutiny and regulations. Today we’re going to talk about creating a HIPAA-compliance marketing technology stack, and how to not sacrifice marketing effectiveness while still protecting consumer data, in this case personal health information. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Ray Mina, Head of Marketing at Freshpaint.

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S5 | 442: Share your message on the right channel with Jonathan Rivera, Podcast

Today we’re going to talk about the power of finding the right channel to share your expertise with others, while finding ways to continually learn more. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Jonathan Rivera, Founder of The Podcast Factory and Host of

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S5 | 441: Customer feedback that benefits everyone with Adam Alfia, Real Time Feedback

Today we’re going to talk about using customer feedback effectively, and how businesses can take the wealth of information they collect from their customers to make better business decisions that help both the customer, their employees, and the business. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Adam Alfia, Founder of Real Time Feedback.

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S5 | 439: Success in a first-party data world with Derek Slager, Amperity

Today we’re going to talk about first-party data strategies and how to be successful in a world of cookie deprecation, evolving data privacy regulations, the evolution of data clean rooms, and retail media networks. To help me discuss these topics, I’d like to welcome Derek Slager, CTO & Co-Founder at Amperity.

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S5 | 438: Enhancing the E-commerce CX with Paul Thompson, Cloudinary

Brands must meet customer expectations for a personalized experience throughout the buyer's journey. One key opportunity to achieve this is by leveraging AI-based tools that offer relevant images and videos. These resources educate customers, manage their expectations, and ultimately drive higher conversion rates while reducing return rates. Today we’re going to talk about enhancing the e-commerce experience using personalization and generative AI, and to do this we’re going to talk about some statistics in some research that was recently done by Cloudinary.

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S5 | 437: AI as a member of your marketing team, with Daniel Maloney, Tailwind

There is a lot of talk about artificial intelligence these days in many areas of the business, and marketing is one that we talk about a lot on this show, but there’s a reason why - and that is because AI is fundamentally shifting the way we not only work, but the way we think about our work. Today we’re going to talk about AI as marketing team member, not simply as a tool you use in isolated instances. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Daniel Maloney, CEO & Co-Founder of Tailwind.

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S5 | 436: Using AI to Reach More Customers with Nicholas Holland, VP of Product, HubSpot Marketing Hub

I am here at Hubspot’s INBOUND Conference in Boston to talk about the impact that AI is having on marketers and how they can more effectively reach their customers. Today we’re going to talk about how marketers can avoid the hype and meaningfully use AI to create better customer experiences and build loyalty. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Nicholas Holland, VP of Product and GM of HubSpot Marketing Hub.

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S5 | 435: Building a culture of experimentation, Kevin Li, Optimizely

I am here at Opticon 2023, Optimizely’s annual conference, here in San Diego, California where there have been a lot of exciting announcements, and we’re going to get to at least a few of those today. Organizations that have a culture of experimentation are able to innovate more quickly and get to the best ideas by learning both what does and what doesn’t work. Today we’re going to talk about how marketers can use experimentation to get the most out of their MarTech stacks, their AI tools, and their collaborations in general. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Kevin Li, VP, Product Strategy, Optimizely.

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S5 | 434: Composable, omnichannel marketing with Rupali Jain, Chief Product Officer, Optimizely

I am here at Opticon 2023, Optimizely’s annual conference, here in San Diego, California where there have been a lot of exciting announcements, and we’re going to get to at least a few of those today. Today we’re going to talk about an exciting announcement at the show this year, which is called Optimizely One, and while I will let my guest provide a more robust definition for us, it’s a SaaS platform for digital marketing that is decoupled, highly composable, and includes components for creation, delivery, personalization and testing of digital content to improve the customer experience. This connects to several trends happening in the market which include a shift towards both composable approaches while also providing marketers with the need to provide consistent and continually improving experiences in an omnichannel world. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Rupali Jain, Chief Product Officer, Optimizely.

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