
Branding, customer experience, and transformation in an agile age.

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Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4

Greg Kihlstrom Greg Kihlstrom

Episode 52: The Agile Consumer

In this episode I talk a bit about my latest book, The Agile Consumer, which discusses the continually evolving brand-consumer relationship. As consumers have more choice, options, and agency to make purchasing decisions, their power increases in the dynamic. This also means that brands need to find new ways to reach and provide meaningful solutions to their challenges.

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Greg Kihlstrom Greg Kihlstrom

Episode 51: Cutting Through the Clutter

It's important for brands to cut through the clutter and meaningfully reach their customers. The agile brand will be successful in an age of continual disruption because it finds a way to meaningfully connect with people. That doesn’t mean broadcasting marketing messages or offers, but instead that brands will recognize that their value is to solve problems in a world full of constant change. How will brands and marketers achieve this success? They will stay agile as they embrace change as the constant and consumer engagement and attention as a continually moving target.

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Greg Kihlstrom Greg Kihlstrom

Episode 50: Agile Brands and Society

I feel it’s important to address one other key aspect of brands that is part of the “new normal.” It’s not enough to simply make a great product, or offer an amazing service. It’s also not enough to simply engage with our audiences on a regular basis. There needs to be something more, and truly successful brands have tapped into this. Just as an agile brand must establish a bi-directional relationship with individual consumers to be successful, there must also be a symbiotic relationship with the world at large. This can play out in ways that impact society, the environment, or other areas that have a large cultural impact.

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Greg Kihlstrom Greg Kihlstrom

Episode 49: Telling Shareable Stories With Your Brand

This is the last of four episodes related to brands and storytelling. What good is a story no one remembers, or isn’t easy for your customers, fans, and employees to tell? While it may not be as obvious as the first two points, having a story that is easy to share is every bit as important. Think of aspects of great stories that you could leverage for your own brand. A hero overcoming adversity, an unexpected or unique twist, or perhaps some element that is especially relevant to or resonates with your core audience. While an effective story arc (beginning, middle and end) is important, it’s not enough. The story needs to resonate enough with both the teller and the listener. For example, it isn’t beneficial if you have a story that could be compelling, if it can’t be embraced by the storyteller to drive the point home.

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Greg Kihlstrom Greg Kihlstrom

Episode 48: Telling Relatable Stories With Your Brand

This is the third of four episodes related to brands and storytelling. The best way to make your brand’s story memorable is to relate it to your audience. With all of the changes, different focus areas, and competing or conflicting tastes, you have your work cut out for you. Fortunately, by focusing on the essence of what makes your brand unique you can cut through the clutter and find a way to relate to your audiences. You may be able to filter your brand’s values through a slightly different lens for each audience.

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Greg Kihlstrom Greg Kihlstrom

Episode 47: Telling Authentic Stories With Your Brand

This is the second of four episodes related to brands and storytelling. It’s time to stop thinking in the broadcast mode of marketing. Simply saying something isn’t enough. Claiming to be the best, the fastest, or the friendliest means nothing without proof, and proof isn’t just statistics, but meaningful interactions that build relationships.

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Greg Kihlstrom Greg Kihlstrom

Episode 46: Telling Educational Stories With Your Brand

This is the first of four episodes related to brands and storytelling. Think about the last time a friend or colleague told you about a brand or product they like. Chances are, one of the things that stood out was something they learned while reading about the product, reading its history, or maybe even using the product. People like to share something new or unexpected about brands they love with their friends, family and colleagues. Giving them something they can use to teach others motivates them to embrace and remember the information. In the act of teaching someone else, they also build greater affinity for your brand or product.

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Greg Kihlstrom Greg Kihlstrom

Episode 45: Listen to Your Customers, Don't Talk At Them

Part 5 of how to create an agile brand. To create a holistic customer experience, it’s important to use those channels as a means of two-way communication, rather than to deliver one-way messaging directed at consumers. Instead, engage in a dialogue with your customers, and even if you’re not actively communicating with them, listen to what they have to say. As I’ve often told potential and current clients who were reluctant to fully engage or participate in social media, people are talking about you whether you are present on the platform or not.

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Greg Kihlstrom Greg Kihlstrom

Episode 42: Evolutionary vs. Revolutionary Processes

Part 2 of how to create an agile brand. When thinking about evolution versus revolution, you need to know when to take which approach for your own brand. You may need to take each of these tacks at different times. Generally speaking, you don’t want to continually take a revolutionary approach because you run the risk of alienating loyal customers. They may follow you through one reinvention, but too drastic change too often may not inspire the loyalty which is also critical to a successful brand

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Greg Kihlstrom Greg Kihlstrom

Episode 41: Change is the Only Constant

Part 1 of how to create an agile brand. While it seems that it’s only in the age of technology that everyone complains about being too busy and things moving too quickly, this isn’t the case. As early as 500 BC, Heroclitus said “the only thing that is constant is change.”

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Greg Kihlstrom Greg Kihlstrom

Episode 40: Brands and Future Generations

Just as past generations had their own unique relationship to brands, this dynamic will continue to evolve over time. Let’s take a look at a few aspects of branding as they relate to the generations which will shape our economy and society over the decades to come.

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Greg Kihlstrom Greg Kihlstrom

Episode 39: Design Thinking and Brands

Agile has helped spawn methodologies that address business processes and broader scopes than software, websites, or digital marketing. Ohe easiest way to describe design thinking is as a philosophy that approaches business challenges with a clean slate. Instead of improving upon something which currently exists, it starts with the question, “What is the problem we’re trying to solve?” and designs a solution from that.

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Greg Kihlstrom Greg Kihlstrom

Episode 37: An Agile Brand Case Study

Netflix is a great example of a brand that has continued to disrupt, innovate and remain agile over time. From its beginnings up against the behemoth Blockbuster, to its current disruption of traditional television and home entertainment, I trace its roots and how it has stayed agile after all these years.

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