S4 | Episode 245: The importance of Employer Branding with Roy Abdo, Digital Revamp
About the Episode
Today we’re going to talk about the continued importance of employer branding, and why it is so important to be intentional about documenting and codifying culture, processes and the way internal communications are handled. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Roy Abdo, CEO, Digital Revamp.
About Roy Abdo
Roy Abdo is CEO of Digital Revamp.
From Roy:
I help you create the words and the story that represent the value you bring to your clients. Once we discover the optimal words for your company/brand, I advise you on the best practices to find your ideal clients online. My team will create the digital strategy, staffing, KPIs, social media images, videos, and most effective language to use in digital advertising on Google and Facebook. These ads will target highly qualified leads/clients and build your group of followers.
We specialize in brand strategies, personalization, and activation. I have worked in the digital ecosystem for several verticals (media, financial services, retail, and user behavior). My technical background and creative skills enable me to speak to two fronts: strategically for high-level focus and architecturally for implementation focus.
Roy Abdo, Digital Revamp