Announcing The Agile World Podcast
I’m proud to announce the launch of my new podcast entitled The Agile World.
We are living in an agile world. What started with technologists and marketers who were early adopters of the agile methodology and way of thinking has spread across entire organizations, and didn’t stop there. Consumers are thinking more agile as well. They are more willing to be part of product development and the process of building brands than ever before, due to a number of social, technological, and economic factors. Also, as employees, these consumers are also more interested in sharing values with the companies they work for, and are looking for new types of management and work environments that embrace their individuality and desire to contribute more quickly in tangible ways. All of this adds up to the makings of an Agile World led by newly-empowered consumers in an evolving economy.
I’m proud to announce the launch of my new podcast entitled The Agile World. It will provide marketers, branding professionals, digital strategists, and customer experience experts a fresh perspective on the continually evolving dynamic between brands and consumers. The Agile World podcast will help listeners make sense of a fast-changing brand and consumer landscape. Exploring the origins of the brand-consumer relationship and how modern organizations must adapt to survive, the podcast features thoughts and ideas from my Agile series of books, my articles featured on publications such as Forbes, and other speaking and writing I’ve done over the years.
The Agile World podcast discusses many of the thoughts introduced in my Agile series of books, and more recently The Agile Brand, which explores how brands that embrace consumer feedback and create a “living” brand that evolves over time while staying true to its values. The series started with 2016’s The Agile Web, which explores how the agile methodology applied properly website design and marketing can create dramatic improvements in their results.
To be released in late summer 2019, The Agile Consumer will be the third and final (for now) book in my Agile series, and I look forward to sharing that with the world soon!
The Agile World will be available on all major podcast outlets.