Greg Kihlström

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S5 | 403: Building a culture of data with Aron Clymer, Data Clymer

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About the Episode

Today we’re going to talk about growing data maturity as an enterprise organization and how to build a culture of data.

To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Aron Clymer, Founder & CEO at Data Clymer.

About Aron Clymer

Aron Clymer is Founder & CEO of Data Clymer, a next gen data & analytics consulting firm that empowers every client’s success by unlocking the value of data. The Data Clymer team implements modern cloud data solutions that drive positive results through data accessibility and actionable insights.

Aron previously established and built the Product Intelligence team at Salesforce for 7 years to support all data and analytics needs of 400+ product managers. Subsequently, Aron headed up Data at PopSugar where his team democratized data and supported analytics/data science across the company.

Aron has grown Data Clymer over the past 6 years into a nationwide team of deeply experienced cloud data professionals.


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Developing a culture of data is the ultimate objective for organizations, where employees regularly utilize data to inform their work. The goal is to create a behavior change where data becomes ingrained in the organization's operations and decision-making processes. This shift towards a data-driven culture can be facilitated by providing employees with easy access to data and empowering them to analyze and interpret it, regardless of their background in data analysis. The democratization of data allows individuals across different teams and roles to have broad access to information, enabling them to make informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of the data. Integrating data into everyday work and fostering regular discussions about data-related topics helps reinforce the culture of data and drive behavior change within the organization. Ultimately, the success of developing a culture of data relies on the effectiveness and usefulness of the data, as well as the ease of access and analysis for employees.

According to the podcast transcript, achieving behavior change is described as one of the most challenging tasks with human beings. However, it is mentioned that behavior change can be accomplished if the data system is user-friendly, logical, and valuable. The speaker emphasizes that for behavior change to occur, the data system needs to be functional and provide value to the users. It is crucial to have high performance and the ability to ask questions and obtain relevant information from the system, even for non-technical individuals, in order to drive behavior change.

The transcript also highlights the importance of integrating data into daily routines and making it a regular part of employees' jobs. This implies that for behavior change to occur, the data system needs to seamlessly integrate into the workflow and become a top priority for users.

In summary, the transcript suggests that behavior change can be achieved if the data system is user-friendly, provides meaningful insights, and seamlessly integrates into daily work routines.

The episode discusses how the cloud has revolutionized data sharing. With traditional data storage methods, sharing data with colleagues was difficult and time-consuming. However, with the cloud, it has become incredibly easy to share data. The host gives an example of how, with just a simple link, you can instantly share data with 30 colleagues who can see exactly what you're seeing. This ease of sharing data is a significant advantage of using cloud platforms.

Aron Clymer, Founder & CEO, Data Clymer